To install SentinelOne on a Windows PC:

  1. Download the .exe from Sharepoint, linked here: Sharepoint Installation
  2. Click the download to run the installer.
  3. There are no trick questions, be agreeable. Click Install in the first Window:

  4. When prompted for the site token, copy & paste the following token into the prompt: eyJ1cmwiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly91c2VhMS1wYXg4LnNlbnRpbmVsb25lLm5ldCIsICJzaXRlX2tleSI6ICJkODY4MzI2MzNmMDgxNmZjIn0=
  5. The installation will appear to pause. Please be patient, it will complete in 60-90 seconds.
  6. It will prompt for a reboot when you click the “Finish” button. Take a moment to save your work and reboot the computer. 

    You have successfully installed SentinelOne!

    – Other
    Walkthrough Links –

    Windows SentinelOne Uninstallation

    Windows SentinelOne Installation

    MacOS SentinelOne Installation