When someone embarks on a deep dive into LeafTech Consulting and stumbles across this humble blog devoted to our website creation journey, I hope to impart all the excitement and possibility that this process brought to us.
Though I am the newest employee at LeafTech, I have been watching it grow for the past three and a half years of my husband’s employment as a consultant with the company. The hard work and value they give to every client was not reflected in their website. All the personality of who these passionate people are was nowhere to be found.
It was my very first day on the job as executive assistant that Chris McAree shared with me his hope to make the website reflect what he saw in his partners and employees. There to help him with this goal were the brains at New Ride Design! With their patient guidance, Chris kept control of every piece of content and wrestled the website into creation from his own brain. Okay, I may have helped a little too.
The website as it exists now is smart, efficient, and at times funny – exactly like our team. I am proud to say that this accomplishment starts a new chapter in LeafTech history. Now the world can see who we are and what we have to offer! Every bit of the website is us, from the honest descriptions of our services and the value LeafTech provides, to the team photo including our mascot.
Thank you to everyone who helped us get here and express ourselves: Jon and Fox over at New Ride Design created a beautiful site and were real collaborators the whole way through. A special thank you to Chris and Rachel for slaving away after work hours on content. And one more warm and happy thank you to the entire team of LeafTech, all your hard work has inspired this website! Thank you all!
-Written by Alia Davis